To enter the Adventurer's Guild spawn, use the command /ag

User commands

/ag- Teleports the player to the adventurer's guild world where they interact with the various EliteMobs NPCS.

/em shop - accesses the shop or teleports players to the Adventurer's Guild Hub

/em customshop - accesses the custom shop or teleports players to the Adventurer's Guild hub

/em wallet - displays player money

/em quest - displays the quest interface or teleports players to the Adventurer's Guild hub

/em pay <username> <amount> - lets players pay each other. Transactions are taxed a configurable amount.

/em rank - opens the rank menu or teleports players to the Adventurer's Guild hub

/em spawntp - teleports a playter to a server spawn

Some commands are not here and can only be found using the /em command

Player's first encounter

Players will acquire armor during normal gameplay. Once you have anything at iron level or better, you will start facing Elite Mobs which spawn naturally around you based on the armor you are wearing. These Elite Mob can drop three types of loot:

Upon looting, you will be informed by the plugin that the coins can be used and the items sold at the store in the Adventurer's Guild.